Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. It is the branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometres, especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules. In its original sense, 'nanotechnology' refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products. Nanotechnology is a research field engaged in finding out new structures and studying the properties of nano particles.
S.R.M University: Department of Physics and Nanotechnology, U.P
SRMJEEE Paper Pattern:
Negative marking- ‘1’ for every wrong answer.
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun
Sections No.of Ques
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi
B.Tech Question paper pattern Subjects Weightage
Amity University, Noida